General information > Scientific committee

  • Yoann Augagneur (sRNA from discovery to physiological implications, BRM, Rennes)

  • Florence Besse (Post-transcriptional control of neuronal plasticity, Institut de Biologie Valrose, Nice)

  • Sébastien Campagne (Protein-RNA Interactions by Structural Methods, ARNA, Bordeaux)

  • Sébastien Durand (Ribosome, translation and cancer, CRCL, Lyon)

  • Martin Dutertre (RNA Biology, Signaling and Cancer, IC, Orsay)

  • Magali Frugier (Biology of tRNA and pathogenicity, IBMC, Strasbourg)

  • Marie-Dominique Galibert (Gene expression and oncogenesis, IGDR, Rennes)

  • Reynald Gillet (Quality control in protein synthesis, IGDR, Rennes)

  • Anthony Henras (Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes, CBI, Toulouse)

  • Karina Jouravleva (Laboratory of biology and modeling of the cell, ENS, Lyon)

  • Hervé Le Hir (Expression of eukaryotic messenger RNAs, IBENS, Paris)

  • Fabrice Lejeune (Efficacity and resistance to anti-tumour targeted therapies, IP, Lille)

  • Stefania Millevoi (RNA-binding proteins and genotoxic stress, CRCT, Toulouse)

  • Iouri Motorine (RNA post-trancriptional modifications, IMoPA, Nancy)

  • Chantal Pichon (Cell biology, Molecular Targets and innovative therapies, CBM, Orléans)

  • Martine Simonelig (mRNA regulation and development, IGH, Montpellier)

  • Carine Tisné (Biogenesis, architecture and interactions of RNAs, IBPC, Paris)

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