Sessions & Program > Keynote speakers


- Prof. Dr. Maria Carmo-Fonseca, Portugal: the FEBS (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) National lecturer

Tittle to be announced

Maria Carmo-Fonseca

President of the Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Group leader of the "RNA & Gene Regulation" laboratory



- Pr. Matthias Hentze, Germany

Tittle to be announced

Matthias Hentze

Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit, EMBL/University of Heidelberg, Germany

Group leader of the "Blood diseases" group

Director of EMBL



-Pr Roland Beckmann, Germany

Tittle to be announced

Roland Beckmann

Gene Center Munich, University of Munich, Germany

Group leader of the "Structural Biology of the Ribosome" laboratory


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